Foto yang memperlihatkan segerombolan pemrotes yang sedang menunaikan shalat di 6th October Bridge di Kairo, disemprot dengan water cannon oleh para polisi anti huru hara.
Source :
KAIRO - Dua orang warga tewas dalam bentrokan terbaru di Kairo, Mesir hari ini. Protes anti-pemerintahan yang kembali terjadi, dikabarkan berlangsung makin dipenuhi kekerasan. Dua orang yang tewas tersebut diketahui adalah seorang anggota polisi dan seorang pengunjuk rasa yang bentrok di distrik Bulaq Abul Ela. Insiden ini terjadi saat polisi dan massa pengunjuk rasa saling menyerang, demikian diberitakan Press TV, Kamis (27/1/2011). Total jumlah korban tewas akibat kerusuhan kini mencapai enam orang, sementara ratusan lainnya ditangkap oleh pihak berwenang menyusul aksi bentrok. Para demonstran melempari gedung parlemen dengan bom molotov di Kota Suez yang menyebabkan sebagian gedung terbakar. Mereka juga melakukan hal yang sama ke markas Partai Nasional Demokrat yang menguasai pemerintahan saat ini. 55 warga dan 15 anggota kepolisian dilaporkan terluka dalam kerusuhan yang terjadi di Suez. Selain di Suez dan Kairo, kerusuhan juga berlangsung di Kota Alexandria. Pengunjuk rasa tampak melawan pihak keamanan yang dilengkapi water cannon, peluru karet dan gas air mata untuk membubarkan massa. (faj) Sumber
Spoiler for Komen Agan2:
Dikutip dari : In Cairo, police tried and failed to keep protesters from taking over Tahrir Square. Police used water cannon against protesters on Qasr al-Nil bridge across the Nile while men undaunted by blasts of tear gas attempted to push an armoured police vehicle off October 6th bridge into the river. At mid-afternoon, men on October 6th bridge formed ranks and bowed in spontaneous prayer, confounding the police. Plain-clothes policemen infiltrated the rallies and either attacked demonstrators or attempted to arrest them. Following prayers at a mosque at Giza outside Cairo, Nobel laureate Mohamed ElBaradei, former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and members of his entourage were briefly besieged and detained. Opposition figure Ayman Nour, who stood against Mr Mubarak in the 2005 presidential election, was struck on the head by a rock and rushed to hospital where he was placed in intensive care. The Obama administration meanwhile has launched its strongest warning yet to the Mubarak regime. “We are deeply concerned about the use of violence by Egyptian police and security forces against protesters,” secretary of state Hillary Clinton said. “We call on the Egyptian government to do everything in its power to restrain the security forces.” As Mrs Clinton spoke, President Obama was locked in a series of meetings with security advisers on the Egyptian crisis. Mustafa Fiqi, a leading member of the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP), said that the protests were “unprecedented”. |
d foto2 kmaren ada koq yg lagi solat polisinya ga brani ngapa2in..
karna emg sesama muslim walopun lagi perang tapi waktunya solat tu waktunya gencatan senjata
btw kmarin ane ada nemu post dari orang bule d twitter:
@NevineZaki "A pic I took yesterday of Christians protecting Muslims during their prayers #jan25"
indahnya perdamaian
karna emg sesama muslim walopun lagi perang tapi waktunya solat tu waktunya gencatan senjata
btw kmarin ane ada nemu post dari orang bule d twitter:
@NevineZaki "A pic I took yesterday of Christians protecting Muslims during their prayers #jan25"
indahnya perdamaian
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